Accelerated Learning: Whole-Brain Whole-Body Learning

Learning accelerates and deepens when the whole brain gets stimulated. In fact, not just the whole brain but the whole body too.

At TSW we deliver high-energy, high-engagement learning, which is far more effective than learning reliant on PowerPoint presentations and lectures. We encourage learners to get physically active and to use as many senses as possible, getting their mind and body involved in the learning process.

When you work with us, you will see and feel our approach is one of whole-self learning, where you and/or your people will achieve accelerated learning results. Our practical and interactive learning places learners in safe environments that challenge them physically, emotionally, and socially, all to deliver a return on investment for your organisation.

Learning Design

For us, learning design is focused on an end goal where your people emerge from training with new or improved attitudes and capabilities that they implement in the real world. We design learning interventions to get results, aimed at making people more able to reach their full potential and have a positive impact on the job.

Every intervention we design will take a learner through 4 fundamental steps, that deliver accelerated learning and application;

  1. Engagement – the arousal of interest and willingness to learn
  2. Stimulation – introduce new knowledge and skills
  3. Practice – integrating new knowledge and skills through applied practice
  4. Application – application of knowledge and skill to achieve your desired results

Bridging the Gap Through Learning Transfer

We are different from many providers because we design a stronger, more effective bridge from learning (training) to business impact.

We partner with our customers to foster an environment that will translate learning into bottom-line results (return on investment), whilst avoiding the many pitfalls that all too often cause learning and training to fail.

We can partner with your organisation, co-designing solutions and providing advice to:

Maximising Impact

To maximise training impact and assure clients of their return on investment TSW adopts well-researched tools and techniques for learning, including principles for Accelerated Learning and the 70 20 10 model.

We partner with our clients to support the learning process, from initial learner engagement through to the embedding process that follows a formal workshop/intervention.

Have a question about our training courses? Contact us today